Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Cat

Her name is Hermione.

She's obsessed with pencils, windows, and tweezers.

She sits on my lap when I type.

When I take a shower she sits outside the curtain and talks to me about her day.

She's a daddy's girl. But she knows I'm the boss.

She asks me questions, and then when I answer her, she shuts up.

She likes her cat food better than tuna, and she loves Cheerios and Cheezits.

She likes to touch my face with her paws. A lot.

She has this cute little belly fat flap.

She loves to watch tv while sitting back on her haunches.

She hates Meat Loaf but she loves techno and rap. I'm trying to fix this.

She's my baby.


  1. Hermione, the demon cat! I'm glad you have a little furry baby. I want a kitty cat now... =(

  2. I still have yet to meet your cat . . .

  3. Ha ha! You should get one, Greg. And yes, Haley. You do. She's fantastic!
