Thursday, November 4, 2010

Some Ispirational Quotes From Actors. (And Some Others)

"There are two types of actors: those who say they want to
be famous and those who are liars." ~ Kevin Bacon

"It's okay to act as if you have modest goals. Just don't
buy into your own act." ~ Bob Fraser

"I'm a skilled professional actor. Whether or not I've any
talent is beside the point." ~ Michael Caine

"Those who believe that it's all about talent, looks or luck
are unlikely to take the time to develop a professional's
skills." ~ Nicole Kidman

"Acting is merely the art of keeping a large group of people
from coughing." ~ Sir Ralph Richardson

"It's all about the customers (whom we insist on calling an
audience... I guess because we 'play' the king once in
awhile)." ~ Bob Fraser

"Just say the gags and don't bump into the furniture."
~ Spencer Tracy

"You are a person. You are acting the part of a person
(generally). Don't insist on making it into something
mysterious." ~ Jared Larkin

"Do your part and ask for your compensation. But in that
order." ~ Cary Grant

"If you are a professional, you should expect to get paid."
~ Mike Brown

"Who told me not to fly, I've simply got to. . If I take a
spill, it's me and not you. Who told you you're allowed to
rain on my parade?" ~ Lyrics from Funny Girl

"If you insist on listening to other people's assessment of
your dream, your dream will never become a reality." ~ Elise Hanson

"Make a way out of no way." ~ Halle Berry

"If opportunity isn't knocking, build a door." ~ Milton Berle

"The obstacle is the path." ~ Buddha

"My feeling about fear is, if you give in to your fears, they
come true. I'm superstitious enough to believe that."
~ Meryl Streep

"Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time an actor acts he does not hide; he exposes himself." ~ Jeanne Moreau

"Acting is happy agony." ~ Sir Alec Guiness


  1. All good quotes (and all good reasons I am not an actor). I really like "Acting is a happy agony." And I like you!

    There's an hour-long video of the actress round table from the Hollywood Reporter floating around with Annette, Helena, Natalie, Hilary, Amy, and Nicole that you might be interested in.
